About Advanced Ceramics Introduction

About Advanced Ceramics Introduction

Precision ceramics refer to the ceramics that are made by strictly controlling the ingredients and specific processes, without mechanical grinding, and have smooth surfaces and meet the requirements of tolerance dimensions.

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Pourquoi nous choisir ?

Notre avantage

Production indépendante de poudre d’alumine de haute pureté depuis plus de 20 ans, maîtrisant l’approvisionnement en poudre en amont


Une technologie de production et des équipements de production sophistiqués garantissent une qualité de produit élevée et des performances de coût élevées


Une équipe technique de premier ordre peut fournir aux clients des solutions professionnelles uniques dans le processus de conception


Système de service après-vente parfait, afin que les clients puissent utiliser sans souci

about us

Nous avons les meilleures solutions pour votre entreprise

Zhejiang Weilan Hangdun Precision Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd. est un fabricant de céramique de pointe spécialisé dans la production, la recherche et le développement et les ventes en Chine. L’entreprise dispose d’une équipe technique professionnelle bien formée avec des technologies de base de céramiques de précision telles que les substrats céramiques, les céramiques structurelles et les céramiques fonctionnelles. Engagé dans le développement et la vente d’alumine, de zircone, de nitrure d’aluminium et de nitrure de silicium de haute qualité et d’autres céramiques avancées, y compris des substrats céramiques, des substrats d’emballage IC, des substrats d’emballage LED et des céramiques structurelles à haute résistance.

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Advanced Ceramics | Application of Structural Ceramics


Mainly used to make circuit substrates, coil bobbins, tube sockets, high-voltage insulating porcelain, rocket nose cones, etc. It can also be made into high porosity precision casting cores for casting alloys. It can also be used as a high temperature material with good shock resistance.

Advanced ceramics mainly refer to a large class of new ceramic materials that exert their mechanical, thermal, chemical and other properties. They can serve in many harsh working environments, and thus become the key to the realization of many emerging science and technology.

Optical Communication Industry
The optical communication industry is one of the fastest growing high-tech industries in the world, with a global output value of more than 3 billion US dollars. Its rapid development mainly depends on the research on the mechanism of optical fiber loss and the use of structural materials for optical fiber joints. Our institute has successfully used zirconia toughened ceramic materials to develop optical fiber connectors and sleeves, which have excellent performance and well meet the development needs of my country's optical communication industry.
With the high density and high power of semiconductor devices, the development of integrated circuit manufacturing industry urgently needs to develop a new type of substrate material with good insulation and fast heat conduction. The high thermal conductivity aluminum nitride and silicon carbide substrate materials that came out in the mid-to-late 1980s are gradually replacing the traditional alumina substrate. In this field, the thermal conductivity of the high thermal conductivity aluminum nitride ceramics developed by our institute has reached 228 W/m ×K, the performance ranks the forefront at home and abroad. Aluminum nitride-glass composite material has become a research hotspot in the field of contemporary electronic packaging materials. Its thermal conductivity is 5-10 times that of alumina-glass, and the sintering temperature is within 1000°C. It can be used with wiring materials such as silver and copper. Co-fired to produce multilayer wiring boards with good thermal conductivity and electrical properties. The aluminum nitride-glass composite material developed by me has a thermal conductivity of 10.8 W/m×K, which is in a leading position in the world. It meets the requirements of miniaturization and densification of large-scale integrated circuits.

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La visite de retour est rapide et un professionnel est recommandé.


Service attentionné et service après-vente parfait.


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Qualité stable et technologie de pointe.

Foire aux questions

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The term advanced ceramics is used to distinguish this material from traditional ceramics, a class of industrial ceramics based on raw materials that produce products with relatively little change from their natural state.

Notre date de livraison est de 30 à 60 jours.

Notre société est engagée dans l’alumine de haute pureté (99,99%) depuis plus de 20 ans, maîtrisant la technologie de base de la poudre d’alumine à la source, associée à une technologie de production sophistiquée, afin de fournir aux utilisateurs des produits liés à l’alumine de haute pureté de haute qualité et rentables.

Adhérant au concept de fournir aux clients des services de haute qualité, notre société peut fournir aux clients des services à guichet unique tels que la conception et des conseils professionnels, et fournir aux clients des solutions globales !

Nos mises à jour et articles de blog

advanced-ceramics | Bulletpro of Alumina Ceramics | Uncover the secrets of bulletproof armor ceramic materials

{keyword} | What is the bulletproof principle of ceramic materials? The basic principle of armor protection is to consume projectile energy, slow down the projectile, and achieve harmlessness.

advanced-ceramics | Lighter and stronger — Application of ceramic materials in bulletproof clothing-Bulletproof Alumina Ceramics

{keyword} | Bulletproof vests, also known as bulletproof vests, are used to protect the body from bullets or shrapnel.

advanced-ceramics | The production process of alumina fine ceramics

{keyword} | Compared with other materials of the same channel, this alumina ceramic material has better thermal conductivity. Both sex and malleability have great advantages.


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