About bulletproof ceramics introduction

About bulletproof ceramics introduction

Manufacturing process: After turning the fine alumina powder into ultra-fine alumina powder and grinding and dispersing for many times, we have manufactured the advanced bulletproof alumina ceramic material by pressing and molding and sintering at high temperature.

The ceramic absorbs the kinetic energy of the projectile due to its rupture. Ceramic armor systems consist of a single piece of ceramic or ceramic-metal composite covered with a high tensile strength organic fiber-bonded nylon cloth layer.Bulletproof ceramics sheets are also called ceramic bulletproof plates or ceramic bulletproof inserts, and the main types are alumina ceramics.

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Notre avantage

Production indépendante de poudre d’alumine de haute pureté depuis plus de 20 ans, maîtrisant l’approvisionnement en amont de poudre


Une technologie de production et des équipements de production sophistiqués garantissent une qualité de produit élevée et des performances de coût élevées


Une équipe technique de première classe peut fournir aux clients des solutions professionnelles à guichet unique dans le processus de conception


Système de service après-vente parfait, afin que les clients puissent utiliser sans souci

Qui sommes-nous

Nous avons les meilleures solutions pour votre entreprise

Zhejiang Weilan Hangdun Precision Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd. est un fabricant de céramique avancé spécialisé dans la production, la recherche et le développement et les ventes en Chine. La société dispose d’une équipe technique professionnelle bien formée avec des technologies de base de la céramique de précision telles que les substrats céramiques, les céramiques structurelles et les céramiques fonctionnelles. Engagé dans le développement et la vente d’alumine, de zircone, de nitrure d’aluminium et de nitrure de silicium de haute qualité et d’autres céramiques avancées, y compris des substrats céramiques, des substrats d’emballage IC, des substrats d’emballage LED et des céramiques structurelles à haute résistance.

Pour en savoir plus

Advantages of Bulletproof ceramics | Stable Material Structure

Ballistic-resistant ceramics have a stable material structure

Ceramic material has always been one of the most stable materials, and its special molecular structure brings it great creep resistance. Unlike some pure high-performance fiber plates such as PE plates, ceramic ones can withstand great pressure without deformation. In addition, it has good water resistance, heat resistance and ultraviolet resistance. Therefore, ceramic equipment can be used and preserved under any environmental condition.

Advantages of Bulletproof ceramics | Stable Material Structure

Bulletproof Ceramics | Bulletproof Principles of Ceramic Materials

The basic principle of armor protection is to consume projectile energy, slow the projectile down, and render it harmless. Most of the traditional engineering materials, such as metal materials, absorb energy through plastic deformation of the structure, while ceramic materials absorb energy through the micro-breaking process.

The energy absorption process of bulletproof ceramics can be roughly divided into three stages:

  • Initial impact stage: the projectile hits the ceramic surface, blunts the warhead, and absorbs energy in the process of smashing the ceramic surface to form a small and hard fragmented area;
  • Erosion stage: the dull projectile continues to erode the fragment area, forming a continuous layer of ceramic fragments;
  • Deformation, cracking and fracture stage: Finally, tensile stress is generated in the ceramic to break the ceramic, and then the back plate is deformed, and all the remaining energy is absorbed by the deformation of the back plate material. When the projectile hits the ceramic, both the projectile and the ceramic are damaged.
Bulletproof Ceramics | Bulletproof Principles of Ceramic Materials

Advantages of Bulletproof Ceramics | High strength and Light Weight

Bulletproof ceramics offer high strength and light weight

The effect of force is mutual. To smash a bullet, the ceramic needs to be hard enough to counteract the kinetic energy of a high-velocity bullet. In addition, ceramic plates are much lighter in weight than metal plates. Typically, a NIJ III ceramic plate weighs only 2 kg (4.5 to 5 lbs). The excessive weight of bulletproof panels has always been one of the most concerned and difficult problems for people to overcome. The lighter plate can greatly reduce the user's physical exertion, while allowing more flexibility in tactical activities. This is why ceramic plates are more popular with some users.

Advantages of Bulletproof Ceramics | High strength and Light Weight

Advantages of Bulletproof Ceramics | Good bulletproof effect

Bulletproof ceramics have good bulletproof effect

Compared with traditional metal plates, ceramic plates have much stronger bulletproof capability, based on their special molecular structure. These ceramics are often in the form of a composite blend. Now often lots of Ceramic plates have a Polyethylene or Kevlar blended back. This is mainly just for reducing blunt force or acting as a backer for the bullets. it consists of a single ceramic or ceramic-metal composite covered with nylon cloth combined with high-tensile organic fibers. Ceramic plates are so strong that they can crash bullets at the moment the impact happens. At the same time, the ceramic plate will be impacted and cracked. During which most of the kinetic energy of the bullet will be dispersed and consumed. Finally, the broken bullet will be intercepted and captured by the high-performance fiber backplane.

Advantages of Bulletproof Ceramics | Good bulletproof effect
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Foire aux questions

Avez-vous des questions?

Les trois principaux types de céramiques utilisées pour fabriquer des gilets pare-balles sont le carbure de bore, le carbure de silicium et l’oxyde d’aluminium.

Notre date de livraison est de 30 à 60 jours.

Notre société est engagée dans l’alumine de haute pureté (99,99%) depuis plus de 20 ans, maîtrisant la technologie de base de la poudre d’alumine à la source, associée à une technologie de production sophistiquée, afin de fournir aux utilisateurs des produits liés à l’alumine de haute qualité et rentables.

Adhérant au concept de fournir aux clients des services de haute qualité, notre société peut fournir aux clients des services à guichet unique tels que la conception et les conseils professionnels, et fournir aux clients des solutions globales!


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